A new message board friend was looking for a vacation word book so I decided I could use one too and made one using George and Base Camp cartridges and my design studio. Here is a screen shot of it and the cut file.
Vacation Word Book
Cricut Demonstrator Project
I have signed up to be a Cricut Demonstrator. From what I have learned so far is IF chosen I will receive "points" towards cricut merchandise (cartridges etc) SO far I have filled out a couple questionnaires and now I had to submit a project. I turned in a video of me making this card. Now I wait to see if I am chosen.
My friend Lori who has a Family Blog posted some new pictures of her kids. She also posted a Thanks to Tenille for telling her about www.picnik.com a fun website for editing photos! I had a trial version of software that would allow you to add text to your photos. I decided not to buy the software but really liked that feature! Well THANKS TO LORI and her friend Tenille I can add text to my photos again! Thanks so much for posting that on your blog Lori! I am adding the Fair Frog picture to my blog again so you can see how I added text to it. There is so much more you can do at www.picnik.com check it out!