A New Hobby

I saw on an online friend's (Robyn) blog that she sometimes made her own bracelets. She inspired not only me but my daughter to learn how to make bracelets. Today I made one for my 95 yr old Grandma upon her request for a bracelet with blue beads. I also made one for my daughter's stocking even though she has not believed for yrs! As she saw me making it she said "OHHHHHHH I want that!" I said it is "Mine!" She begged and pleaded and even counted out $10.00 worth of money from her piggy bank!! I finally caved and said it is yours I was going to put it in your stocking! So now she has a new bracelet! Hers has shades of blue, pink and purple. (the top picture) Thanks to Robyn for inspiring us!

Gingerbread Men

Today was a cold and windy Winter day. We are under a Blizzard warning so are staying in. A good day to decorate Gingerbread Men! I bought this kit at the store. The kids loved to decorate their own Gingerbread Men. The frosting decortators are from Pampered Chef.